There is a timeless beauty in the soul of concrete tiles, that beauty that makes you enter a home for the first time and feel a sense of familiarity, that homecoming… these are the Aganippe Cementine tiles.
With 110 years of experience in the production of grit tiles, today Aganippe Pavimenti proposes a part of the history of the Italian decorated floor: the Cementine.
With their elegant, geometric and floral motifs, the cement tiles made the history of Italian floors between the 19th and 20th centuries.
The search for colors, which are often found in the hot countries of Africa and in the French Provence area, give our decorations a fresh atmosphere but with an ancient flavor.
The production of cement tiles is still entirely manual; every single tile embodies the constant commitment, the unspeakable patience, and when necessary the intransigence, of master craftsmen guided by experience and tradition.

The Aganippe Cementine tiles leave their mark with absolutely unique decorative motifs and colors, in diversity and yet in the equality of one tile to another.
The concrete tiles consist of two layers; the first, made up of high-strength white cement, marble dust and colored oxides, determines the design and color of the cement tile; the second, consisting of cement and sand, constitutes the lower and base layer of the tile.
The cementine tiles are not subjected to smoothing or polishing like the classic grits, but retain the characteristic matte surface finish.
As per tradition, they must be treated after installation, once with linseed oil, today with a specific hydro-oil repellent and stain-resistant product.